PagerankThis is for all those who are looking to get some good traffic to their blog and they think that Google’s Pagerank Does not affect their sites traffic.

I fully believe that Google’s Pagerank Does affect your Traffic indirectly because the amount of traffic you receive from Google’s Search Engine Depends on that. I can say that to you from whatIi have learn from my experience. I know its tough to believe but thats the truth. You don’t believe me? Read what i observed.

  • No of pages Indexed. When i recieved my first PR 1 i checked out my results and found that only about 230 of my pages being indexed. But after getting PR 3 i found out that about 350 pages were indexed. If you want to see how many pages are indexed just Google “”
  • And ofcourse if number of pages are increasing the you will get more traffic from search because there would be a much larger reading content for fellow serachers.
  • The Keywords for which i ranked 7th or 9th in some search results Etiole has climbed up to 4th or 5th results
  • More readers mean more traffic as if they like your blog or content they would probably post it on Social Netwroking websites or Bookmark it and then some may even blog about it and thereby giving you more links. So then your PR may increase again. 
  • All this may or may not be true. This is what i have observed. 

Well If you have a experience to speak about be sure to post it in the comments and if it’s got the power than we will also post about it on our blog.