Photosynth Nowadays sharing items with people around the world has become something quite common. So many of may like to sare our images and for that we use our facebook albums but do you think that’s enough?

Photosynth, A service developed by Microsoft Live Labs allows users will allows users to store it online and retain its awesome picture quality, even more clearer than reality (if you shot it like that) and then allows you to search through it very easily using a nice sliding interface. Now that’s something like I-Touch, isn’t it?

It can be more fun if you use it on your iphone because then for you it will be just like going through your albums on your iPhone but this time it’s stored online.

From their about page –

What is Photosynth?
Imagine being able to share the places and things you love using the cinematic quality of a movie, the control of a video game, and the mind-blowing detail of the real world. With nothing more than a bunch of photos, Photosynth creates an amazing new experience.

Go check it out!