Well for all those people Who love networking and making new friends I have a surprise for you!
Recently i have launched a Social Networking community for People who love Making new friends!
Be sure to join it and the best part is that any one from the first 500 members can $100! So hurry! ->>Iluvtech.org
Good one dude. Keep going on
Joined …where is the cash?:)
Well here’s no cash, its a cheque ;))
okay..Wen i wil be getting it dude:)
If you’re luck enough then you will surely win it. ALso be sure to check out etiole as one more contest is coming up where u can win great prizes!
ru sure get $ 100
Hi, – came across your current internet site inadvertently while drifting round the net this evening, and pleased that i did! I like the design and style and tones, but I should mention that I’m having problems when it loads. I’m making use of WaMCom 1.3 browser for mac, and the footer won’t align as it should be. i’m sure used the same layout on a customer’s website, but the menu seems O.k on mine. I suspect the error is at this end and maybe it is time to update!