Yes, Apple broke Palm Pre’s Heart…. with the latest iTunes update, it’s all over for Palm Users. Palm Pre had dashed into the market being know for it’s Syncing with Apple’s Itunes.

Now what? Now, Apple released it’s latest iTunes update 8.2.1 which breaks the syncing feature. So for Palm Pre users it’s a bye-bye to iTunes. But why did Apple do it? There might be many reasons affecting this. First would we the ever growing competition between Apple’s iPhone and Palm’s Pre. This would surely affect Palm’s sales.

What was stated in Apple’s Itunes Update Docs was quite expected.

iTunes 8.2.1 provides a number of important bug fixes and addresses an issue with verification of Apple Devices.

Although users can Transfer media through the Old way, copy paste to the mass storage device.  But what’s next? We’ve not heard from Palm yet and are waiting for their reply. Apple gave it’s answer and now all Palm users are surprised.

Tip: Don’t update to 8.2.1 version of iTunes or else your syncing feature will vanish away. Let’s wait for more solutions later! Also if you have already downloaded the update and now unhappy, then head on to download the older version of Apple’s Itunes (8.2) here.