pramodhThis Post is a Guest post by Pramod Kp. Pramodh KP is a young blogger from India. He is very passionate about computer and internet and loves to play with them. He is also a part-time blogger who currently blogs at TechMonk

There are many blogs out there worth following. But, there are some blogs from which you can’t take your eyes off. Now, if you have a blog/webpage like that on your than this trick is useful for you. With this trick, you can make any webpage as your desktop background and be completely updated.

To do this trick,

1) Copy the following code in the notepad.

2) Replace to your desired webpage. You can also change the body background (bgcolor) to your desired color by changing the hexadecimal code.

After copying and doing the necessary edits,save the document as “.html” file. Now you have to see a webpage icon instead of notepad icon.

Now, right-click on your desktop and go to “Properties” dialog. There select “Desktop” tab and click on “Browse”. Browse the above file and apply it as the desktop background.

That’s it! Now, you can see your favorite webpage on your desktop always. Here is a pic of how it looks.
