win mobile 6_5 market place

Today, for consumers the most important thing they look for on a cellphone is Apps. Till now Microsoft did not allow developers from all over world to develop apps and sell them to users via centralized system and so Apple did win over microsoft with their app store for iPhone.

But Microsoft will be back into the race on October 6th, 2009 with the launch of Windows MarketPlace for Windows Mobile allowing developers and ISV’s (Independent software vendors) will be able to showcase and sell out their apps to Windows Mobile users.

Unfortunately in this Phase 1, the store will support only Mobiles with with Windows Mobile 6.5 which will be released on the same date as Windows MarketPlace. But in November the Marketplace team hope to bring in support for Windows Mobile 6 and 6.1 and till that date a PC accessible catalogue for the Apps for users to Shop, user generated reviews.

According to their blog post, they stated that they had received a large response from the developers and good feedback. Well, it slashes out Apple’s App store by stressing on Windows MarketPlace’s open, transparent and rewarding processes for the developers. 

They also listed some of the known issues with the Windows Marketplace which they will solve out till the launch of the MarketPlace next week!