Some lucky dogs over at Android Police have been spotted running the absolute newest build of Android, Froyo 2.2, on a Google Nexus One. Aside from the appearance upgrades and overall bug fixes, 2.2 is about 4 1/2 times or 450% faster than its predecessor, 2.1 Eclair.
Although this update of the increasingly popular Android OS hasn’t been formally released or advertised, it’s future looks rather bright! Expect some awesome new hardware to go along with the new speedy system sometime rather soon. If you forgot, Adobe is planning for a flash release on 2.2 too and looking at it’s performance right now on the speedometer, it seems Android is indeed going to rock it! Would this prove Steve Jobs 1000+ word essay wrong? Stay Tuned!
You can check out Android Police’s benchmarks here.
Know what would go great with the new Froyo 2.2? The newly announced Square App for Android. Stay tuned for more on this!
Via [Gizmodo]