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Ea Sports recently unveiled Fifa Earth, the only application you need to do to keep yourself updated with the Fifa 10 fever! 

First off all,the Fifa Buzz section tracks down twitter to tweets talking about Fifa 10, and shows you in a nice to fidget with interface. It also shows how many tweets have been in the last hour and represents the tweets on the Globe.

LIve tweets about Fifa 10

Live tweets about Fifa 10


All Worlds a Football

Fifa Earth does prove it right though. The second section of the Flash Web App, shows the ranks of forrball clubs all over the globe. Top Rankings, and stuff like that. Apart from it, it also shows the no. of Games that have been played and the number 

when i am writing the post 33,811,799. Last year, over 2 Billion Games were played.

All these statistics have been collected through Xbox and PS3 network. After clubs it also ranks all the world teams too and ranks them. Well, it says that if you want your country to get the top rankings, warm up and start playing Fifa 10 now!