There have been numerous windows 7 ads coming up, in this short period of two months. But one thing, we finally could figure out is that after the epic fall of Windows Vista this time, Microsoft isn’t taking any chance.

Especially with the Burger Campaigns, the Decoration one’s Microsoft is trying to make Windows 7 more personal, you know what i mean. It’s focusing on the audience than more on the high tech stuff. Simple and neat stuff is what people want, and Windows 7 surely has it. So now, there showing it to the world and these ads after the break are a Evidence of the statement!

First there’s this 7 second preview of Windows 7 which shows off the task bar feature, and unlike always, the ad isn’t focusing on the feature but on how it could help you and thats what we want! #Win Microsoft!

Wake Up Windows! That’s what we used to sing, earlier for Windows to wake up from sleep. Now, it’s Fast. Yes Real Fast. Here’s a commercial to prove it!

You’ve might of head the feature, Aero shake, to shake of the clutter of your desktop. Well, there’s a 7 Second Preview for it too!