Google Got it. Bing Got it. My brother got it. Now Yahoo gets it. Thanks Yahoo so much for the adding a brilliant new feature of Twitter results to Yahoo so early (If you thought Yahoo! did it early, your actually dum. I am being sarcastic, sigh.)

Anyway, let me show you how it works. As we know Google and Bing surely have better backups and investment ready compared to Yahoo and when they included search results they payed Twitter for getting access to status updates on twitter but on Yahoo’s side, Yahoo is completely dependent on free tools (mostly the twitter API itself) for indexing updates.


Yahoo with Twitter integrated Search results

The Algorithm is such that it finds relevant tweets matched with the Search and then shows up in the results, but mind it guys it would only appear for the trending topics / hot topics. 

What could be the effects? Perhaps not radical but surely this could help Yahoo a bit since today, more then reading long stories we prefer finishing everything up in 140 characters, but i wonder if it makes a huge difference as Google and Bing who are one the largest search providers have already done it.

All  have for Yahoo is a good luck wish (if it hopes to survive in the market). 

[Picture Credit : Mashable via Yahoo News]