Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis who sold Skype, an Online Telephone Calling Service,  for a price Tag of $2.6 Billion in 2005 are looking for ways to acquire it back from Ebay. Ebay after acquring it has also not made any efforts to integrate it with it’s Website so probably it is also willing to sell it back to the founders.

Now the question arises why is it hoping to sell Skype to it’s founders only and not any other bidder? It may be because of the pending lawsuit between Ebay and Joltid . Joltid is a Company Owned by the Skype founders which provides Skype with it’s Peer to peer technology. 

 Joltid would no more provide the technology to Skype  because Skype’s licence was revoked so therefore Ebay has not option than to sell it to the founders themselves. The Deal has not been confirmed but at this stage it can be called a rumour. Subscribe our blog and stay updated with the news that follow.