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No more missing multi touch interface on Nexus One, Google just issued a OTA (Over the Air) update for Android running on Nexus one’s which brings in multi touch capabilities to your Web Browser, Gallery and Google Maps. Earlier some third party patches had enabled Multi Touch only in the browser. This means all those [&hellip
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From few years from now, when asked what is a computer, few people answered, “Windows”. I could hear those geeks laughing but they were just a minority while most others really did not know what the question meant. Time’s changed. Windows Xp came which currently has 60%-70% of the Operating System market share and then [&hellip
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We knew it was coming and here it is. WordPress for Android is now available officially from Automattic, Inc. This Android apps gives you access over to your wordpress blog via a simple user interface which allows you to create, edit and publish – Pages, Posts and comments. When posting you can add pictures and [&hellip
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Internet Explorer 6 has been a huge problem for developers from sometime as they (including me!) are having difficult time optimizing websites for a browser made in 2001 for websites developed in recent times as technology has evolved a lot in recent years. Google will be phasing out browser support for Google Docs suite and [&hellip
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iPad, iPad everywhere so how could it not be present at the 52nd annual grammy awards? Guess who got it? Stephen Colbert! Where’s my Nominee list? Oh, it’s on my iPad. (He’s flaunting it a lot) I am so sure, Apple’s paid a huge amount of money, to get iPad out there and if that’s [&hellip
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If you saw the unveiling of iPad, Apple’s “Magical” Tablet device one prominent thing that most of us noticed and you would have too was the presence of the Blue Lego Block of Ambiguity™ at many places when Steve Jobs showed us the Demo of Safari on the iPad. This means that no flash support [&hellip
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iPad was recently unveiled by Steve Jobs at their Media Event which created enough buzz to take the web by a storm. But guys, you need to wait for more 60 days till the devices start shipping. Too excited for it? Then there’s one way to get it on your iPhone/iPod touch too! Taimur at [&hellip
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iPad is here! The blogosphere has gone crazy about it, it’s there on all news channels, all top newspaper headlines. But is it actually worth it? Here’s what we think about it after watching Steve’s keynote and unveiling of the “magical” (Steve, here’s the evil laugh – muaha) tablet. If you missed the event do [&hellip
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Everyone around is confused around about what would be coming up at the Apple’s Media Event (27th January at 10 am PST- Live Coverage here) except the man himself, Steve Jobs. Here’s a complete mashup of what could be coming up later in few hours! Apple Tablet Name : iSlate/iPad/MacBook Touch/iTablet/iBook. Dimensions : 7 inch [&hellip
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Please check back here for Live Coverage of Apple’s Media Event where you can expect the Apple’s Tablet Computer and a hell lot more things! Check down for timings. Do set a reminder! 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time 11:30 pm India 06:00 pm London 07:00 pm Paris 09:00 pm Moscow The Live blog will appear [&hellip
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