We aren’t happy with Lala’s death. Neither is Apple

The message put up on Lala.com, popular music “locker” service, sparked lot of rumors. It sinks down when this month ends, and Apple which acquired it sometime back has no plans, or maybe it does? Why is Apple shutting it down? Rumors were floating that Apple was soon to reveal, iTunes.com which would take Lala’s [&hellip

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HP + Palm, on the fence with fingers crossed

This is a guest post by Annkur P Agarwal who is a gadget lover and a biased Palm fan :P, you can read his ramblings about the tech industry on OnlyGizmos. Late reaction here from me and to be honest I missed the original news as my GPRS connection failed me during travel, but the initial [&hellip

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H.264 beats Flash : Bad news for Adobe

Steve Jobs spinned the hottest debates of this year few days back, inclusion of Flash in Apple products. Steve justified his companies decision of excluding Flash from their gear with technical reasoning. Steve Jobs’s essay, “Thoughts on flash” , where the discussion started, spoke about Flash being used for rendering video. He prominently pointed out [&hellip

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Feel Windows Phone 7 on your iPhone!

This is the best part of having an iPhone. You can taste interfaces of several OS’s together without even needing to change your device. All you need to do is download some apps and your on it! For Palm Pre like app switching, we had Pro Switcher. They actually ran Android on iPhone 2G too and [&hellip

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Steve Jobs says “Nope” to Mac App Store

In near recentness, there were some rumors surfacing regarding the possibility of huge changes to Mac OS (which I think are surely going to happen) and there was one specific rumor which caught the attention of potential developers and readers. It was the coming of a App Store for Apple’s Mac OS. The rumor was [&hellip

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Facebook’s Mission to take Over the Web : Battle Begins

It’s been roughly three years or so since the word, Social Networking / Social Media / or whatever the newspaper journalists call it, has come into existence.  Market penetration is sky-high, social networks are cashing millions of dollars and advertising culture has been altered. This has made a huge impact on how corporate brands plan [&hellip

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The new iPhone 4G : Dragged into the Wild, red hot from the factory

For all those people who expected about a dozen posts conveying how the latest iPhone 4G would look, guys here’s the real deal. The iPhone 4G itself and it’s very difficult to say it’s not made by the Cupertino’s notorious company because we’ve got enough evidence to turn your mind. (Thanks Gizmodo) Let’s talk about [&hellip

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iPhone 4G to be released this June : AT&T sources say so

Latest Speculation is that the next iPhone will be released sometime before July. Why, you ask. Here’s a simple reason to digest the fact – AT&T has blocked all vacation leaves for the employees during the month of  June. AT&T did the same last year when Apple took over the world with the fastest iPhone [&hellip

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Microsoft : Kin is the new Kid

Microsoft’s latest shot on cellphones, the Kin One and Two. These phones are targeted to those social networking savvy kids, who don’t spend an hour without updating their Facebook or Twitter status (includes me, sort of). First let’s talk about the hardware which has been prepared by SHARP. Kin One is a compact slider which [&hellip

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Our Take on the iPad

Did you get one? I did. Sadly, I will have to wait until late April to get my hands on it. Everytime I hear or read someone talking about it, they mention “It’s just a big iPod touch”. The iPad is so much more then that. For example, lots of websites are now supporting HTML5 [&hellip

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