Post Live Videos in Google Chat and Gmail!

Yes! It’s true! You can Add videos to Your Google Talk Chat. You type in a YouTube Video link and then it is converted in to the video. This feature is also available in Gmail! This makes it easy, you can view videos in the while chatting Itself! This is something quite Cool. Google Loves [&hellip


Most Desirable Cell Phones | You will love them all!

Cell phones are getting complicated day by day. But to be true, I judge a cell phone more on basis of it’s looks than its Features. Actually Cell Phones may one day replace computers , I think so , because some day cell phones may have more features than Computers! šŸ™‚ I was surfing around [&hellip


7 possible reasons why bloggers want traffic

I don’t know why all Bloggers want to increase their traffic. But i managed to find about 7 reasons Why. So check it out and tell me are they true or not?Ā  You want to make a Good income from your Blog – In case of most of bloggers, i think this is the main [&hellip


Check out this Video of Indian Parliament and tell me whats better a Zoo or this?

Many people might have heard what goes on in Indian Parliament. Actually you can’t compare it with also a Zoo because that will be an insult to the animals. Heres a video so please check it out. Disclaimer : We will not be responsible if you go Crazy Laughing šŸ™‚


Google’s Pagerank does affect your Website Traffic

This is for all those who are looking to get some good traffic to their blog and they think that Google’s Pagerank Does not affect their sites traffic. I fully believe that Google’s Pagerank Does affect your Traffic indirectly because the amount of traffic you receive from Google’s Search Engine Depends on that. I can [&hellip


Create Your Own Social Networking Website in 90 minutes just like Facebook [Updated]

*Update 2: The updated article is up here : How to Create a Social Networking Website like Facebook in Ten minutes : Step by Step Tutorial* *Update 1: This Current Post may be outdated because newer version of softwares have been released. Subscribe our blog on Email or RSS Feed because we are going to [&hellip


Blogger Adds New feature : Now Mark your Location on the Map

What are you blogging about? From where are you Blogging? Words are not really enough, right? So here’s what you should use to tell people your location. A map! Blogger in Draft released this feature where any user can mark his location or the posts locations using a simple Map. If it is successful then [&hellip


"Indian" Politicians Start Blogging : What?

What? Politicans blogging? (especailly IndianĀ Politicians?) What is happening? Those who wake up from theirĀ deep sleep only before the elections? I think theyĀ have started a publicity Campaign , Maybe?And I hate this part. They Are Spending Money on advertisements. Yes, they want to gain votes via a new source, internet! What is this Man. We pay [&hellip


Google Image Search now displays Ads with search results

Google has finally monetized its Image search also. It was Expected because it has already monetized Feeds, Flash Games , Youtube Videos and bla bla. I just saw it yesterday. Here’s is a screenshot. Ā (sorry for Untidy Handwriting šŸ™‚Ā 


Like Obama’s Hope Poster? Replace him with you in the poster!

What? Loved Barack Obama’s Hope poster? You can replace him in the poster too! Obamicon.Me is a crazy web Tool for people who love obama’s Hope poster. You can replace Obama’s face with your’s! Very Simple. Just upload it or use your webcam and capture your image. Then add custom text to it. And finally [&hellip