Now Search the internet just like you use Cover Flow to search music on Ipods

You love using your Ipods, especially using the Cover Flow to easily find out your songs. But what can you say when this comes to your Browser!  If like searching one Google you will love this search engine. , i think so may become a Problem for Google in Future Because of it’s awesome [&hellip

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Twitter Festival : Celebrate it to raise funds for a noble cause

Yes! After tweeting on the twitter , i mean after tweet its time to meet! Yes. Few people from U.K are organising a twitter festival where people from all over the world will set up a twitter festival on Feb 12 to bring awareness about Water, that about one sixth of 1.1 billion people drink [&hellip

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Launching My Social Network and Blogging platform

While i saw facebook and blogger gaining fast popularity even i thought of creating something like that. So here’s what i did. I created a social networking website and a blogging platform of my own. I thought of the name techezines for it. Tech – E – Zines was my long awaited project as i [&hellip

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How many external monitors can you use? 1, 2, 3?

How many External monitors do you have attached to your computer? 1 , 2 or may be 3? But this Photo will tell you How Many has my friend put on –  Amazing? Right!

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Adsense may disable your account if you don’t have a Privacy Policy for your adsense website

It has been some time since adsense came out with this rule where every user should have a privacy policy which shall tell that the ads will put up some cookies on their computer. I have noticed that many people have not put it up. Please put it up or this could land you up [&hellip

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Share, store and view your Photos online for free

Nowadays sharing items with people around the world has become something quite common. So many of may like to sare our images and for that we use our facebook albums but do you think that’s enough? Photosynth, A service developed by Microsoft Live Labs allows users will allows users to store it online and retain [&hellip

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Play music online according to your mood by using an interactive interface!

Now are you having a party? Don’t know which song to play or you want to play a song which you don’t have? Don’t Worry, I have the solution! Musicovery, a music website allows users to play music according to your mood or the ocassion. It has got a cool interface too. You can select [&hellip

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Use Google to download mp3 songs directly from the internet

Using limewire? Ares? Why are you wasting time downloading those torrents to download your mp3 songs when you can use Google to do it! Yes! Use this simple hack to download Songs directly from websites without wasting much time looking into every damn page to find the download link!Paste this in your Google Search BOx [&hellip

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Convert Your twitter Account into an online store!

Everyone loves money, Right? So many people are trying to target Twitter to make some Good cash. Although i think it’s not fair, twitter is made for connecting people but people are making money by using it. One such thing is Tweebay. It is a online service which allows twitter users to buy or sell [&hellip

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Nothing to PR 3 : That’s my journey!

I started bloggin about 3 years ago at and within 3 month it recieved PR 2! But then i thought i needed something more. so In June 2008 i started Etiole, hoping to make a blog which would break records! I have worked a lot on my blog. And also i loved when people [&hellip

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